Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Here we are approaching the end of another year. Thank you all for tuning in to my sporadic blog posts. I haven't made many pots in recent weeks, so my blogging has been a bit lax, but I promise that I intend to start the new year with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. I have to, because I have a lot of commitments in next year's calendar already.

It's been a wonderful year, not least because I've had the opportunity to meet so many of my virtual friends in the flesh during the past twelve months. You are special people.

Thank you so much to all those who have done so much for me. A special mention for Dan, Hollis and Ron in the States; Marky Mark, Matt, Alex, Hannah, Frank, Different Dave, Nic, PY over here. I am blessed with having the very best of friends without whom I am nothing. And big thanks of course to those of you who have encouraged me and bought my pots.

The boys have gone out to the pub with their friends this evening. I miss them being little kiddies and remember with warm affection those Christmas Eves, when they couldn't sleep with the excitement of it all. I too would lie awake in anticipation of their smiley little faces. Hil's here wrapping gifts for their stockings - maybe they're still children, just briefly, once a year.

So now a few days of family time. Tomorrow we visit my brother, then later in the week, my parents and my sister. It will be fantastic to see everybody and to relax for a while with the people I love.

I Wish you all a very Merry Christmas and send every best wish for a healthy and prosperous 2012.


Dennis Allen said...

Merry Christmas Doug.

cookingwithgas said...

you have a way with the written word that speaks to me- Merry Christmas Doug and here is to 2012.
keep writing, you need to.

Tracey Broome said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family! I was so glad that I was able to come and meet you in Seagrove, how about another visit in 2012?!
I know what you mean about the kids, mine is home from college and there is no santa anticipation tonight, just a tired girl from too many late nights with her friends!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

rock on Doug :)

Hollis Engley said...

Happy Christmas to you, Doug, and Hill and the boys. Your visit here was a highlight of our year. Hope we get to see you in your home country one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, brings tears to the eyes, in a good way.
Love to you all.

ang design said...

nice one!! onya Gustav .... a more moving moment than your planets!! its poss my fav winter carol...cheers doug hope you've had a super day and enjoying a moment with the fam... all the best for a super 2012

Dan Finnegan said...

Doug! One of your 'rare' teabowls is for sale on ebay! I always play that musical piece this time of year. Very moving indeed. I'm starting to make plans for my summer visit. I'll see you then for sure!

Quietly Otaku said...

Hope you've been having a great Christmas, all the best for 2012! : )

doug Fitch said...

Happy New Year everybody!! I loved meeting you guys back in the spring. Tracey, Meredith, that was a great day out in Seagrove. Dan it'll be fab seeing you in the summer, will you get the chance to come to Devon and make some slipware do you think?

Anonymous said...

good to see you potting again...need to add to my collections..steve unohua